Returns / Refund Policy
Non-defective items
We will not accept returns or exchanges on non-defective items.
Defective items
Defective items will only be accepted if the goods we have delivered to you were damaged on arrival. All items returned as defective will be inspected and any items deemed subject to fair wear and tear will not be accepted as defective. Defective returns are only accepted for the first 2 business days after you receive your order. We cannot ship out your return or process your refund until the items are back in pure possession. In case we cannot offer you a replacement, you will receive a refund to the value of the item at the time of purchase and any shipping costs occurred. Note : The original packaging must be included in the return.
Please contact us within 2 business days.
Damaged shipment
For standard carrier shipments (i.e.; US Postal Service, etc.), we must have been notified by email of any damage (or other problems) and have been provided with any and all additional information within 2 business days of you receiving your items. Once you have determined that the items shipped to you were received damaged, you need to notify us and the carrier (i.e.; US Postal Service, etc.) within 2 business days. At them of delivery, if the packaging appears damaged on the outside, please refuse to accept it from the carrier, and let us know immediately; ore please make sure when signing the shipper’s proof-of-delivery slip (on deliveries requiring a signature), you include a note stating the package is or appears to be damaged.
Wrong items received
It is very rare tha you will receive an incorrect item; we double-check all orders before we ship them. However, if we made a mistake/error in shipping (it does rarely happen), please first contact us within 2 business days of receiving your order.
About undeliverable packages
If we ship a package to you and it comes back to us either as “Refused” or as “Undeliverable” due to a bad shipping address that was provided by the customer, you will have a choice of either receiving a refund for your purchase less shipping and handling charges, and a 20% restocking fee will apply for each item you have ordered. Also, if you received free shipping with your purchase, the estimated shipping and handling charge will be now applied to your rode and hence deducted from your refund. Otherwise, you may choose to have us re-ship the package back to you at your expense. Once we process your shipping payment, we will re-ship your merchandise back to you. Please select the standard-shipping rate that applies to the value of your merchandise being re-shipped to you. Note : We will not accept the refund of items from following categories. Food Drink Cosmetics and fragrances Hosiery Underwear Swimwear Printer cartridges Bedding accessories (for example, mattress and pillow protects)
Tax & Customs
Note : It’s always buyer’s responsibilities to clear customs and pay the relevant custom duties, if there are any customs obligations; buyer is responsible for paying the customs. In some case, there are imported taxes or other tax levied by the local government of the buyer, if that’s the case; buyer needs to pay this to the courier during receiving of the package(s). We can’t calculate this and there is no way to pre-pay it. If you are drop-shipping or sending a gift item to someone, please make sure that receiver is aware of the possibility of paying tax when receiving the goods. Anyhow, buyer should manage to learn as much possible about the local tax regulations and other related laws before placing an order, if buyer finds some ways to eliminate or minimize the additional cost, please let us know by adding some comments; we would be glad to follow your instructions and help to minimize your expenses.